The Importance of Some Aspects of Internationalization of the Higher Education
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Wydział Zarządzania, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
Publication date: 2022-09-07
Ekonomista 2022;(3):349-366
The current situation on the labour market does not remain without influence on the way universities operate. Universities today are expected to provide education for global citizenship, to educate “global citizens”, open to other cultures and contexts. This, in turn, means embarking on the path of internationalization of their activities. The main objective of this study was to show the essence and importance of the process of internationalization of higher education institutions. The results of the survey conducted by the author allow her to assess the course of this process from the perspective of a teacher at a public university of economics in Poland. The analysis covers 16 selected internationalization measures. The study used the questionnaire method, analysis of organizational documentation and analysis of the subject literature. A CAWI‑type survey was conducted in September and October 2020, among 206 teachers from three public universities of economics: SGH in Warsaw, Cracow University of Economics and Wrocław University of Economics. The study showed that teachers perceive the importance of and need for such initiatives. As expected, the most important aspect of internationalization was considered to be the mobility of students and staff, while the least important was increasing the share of foreign reviewers in the assessment of scientific achievements. In contrast to Western universities, Polish schools put less emphasis on the acculturation of students and guests from abroad. The analysis of the activities of the HEIs so far in the field of internationalization revealed a direction of engagement not fully in line with the preferences of teachers. The greatest benefit of international cooperation was considered by the respondents to be the possibility for self‑improvement and learning.
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