Information for Authors

1. The Editorial Board welcomes submissions of all previously unpublished scientific papers that align with the journal’s aims and scope.

2. „Ekonomista” does not charge authors any fees for manuscript submission or article processing/publishing.

3. Papers should be submitted only via Editorial System . Articles should be no longer than 45 000 characters (including spaces) in case of original research papers, 36 000 in case of other types of texts, and 9 000 in case of books’ reviews. Papers divided into sections should have sections’ titles. Submitted texts should be prepared according to the template [download] provided as editable files. Please ensure that your submission is in one of the following formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .odt.

4. Research papers should be accompanied by abstracts (of max. 1 200 characters with spaces) including the purpose of the article, description of the method and data used, scope of the analysis, results obtained and conclusions. The abstract should be supplemented by 3-5 keywords and 3-5 JEL categorization codes.

5. Before submitting a paper, authors are asked to be aware of the journal’s editorial standards.

6. The submitted version of the article must not contain any information that would make it possible to identify the author, i.e.:
- The authors' names and their affiliations must not appear on the title page.
- References to any previous work by the authors (books, articles, papers, etc.) should be phrased in such a way so as to prevent their identification.
- This version of the article must not contain any acknowledgments or references to participation in joint research projects, conferences, etc.

7. The introduction should clearly state the purpose of the article and justify the importance of the issue addressed. In the case of empirical research, it should include a brief description of the method, the data used and the scope of analysis. In addition, the final paragraph should provide concise information on the structure of the text.

8. For empirical research, we suggest that the structure of the text follow the IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) structure.

9. Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the same page as their accompanying text. References should be cited in the body of the text (author, data), not in the footnotes. Authors should follow APA-7 guidelines.

10. Tables and pictures should be accompanied by notes precisely informing about their sources (or, “own study” label should be used). Pictures should be simple, in black and white, without colours and any special formatting. Diagrams’ lines should be in shades of grey, and selected diagrams’ areas shaded. We accept charts in vector PDF file, EPS, or MsExcel. All tables and pictures should be placed within the text, and also submitted in separate files via Editorial System.

11. All mathematical formulas should be prepared in the Equation Editor or its equivalent.

12. References should be arranged alphabetically at the end of the text in APA-7 format. If the paper has a DOI number, it should be included at the end of the reference entry.

13. The here described rules apply also to corrected versions of papers. Text changes should be made in review mode (visible to the reader). Resubmitted papers should be accompanied by authors’ answers to reviewers’ comments.

14. Papers accepted for publication, but prepared not in accordance with the here described rules, will be send back and authors will be asked to correct them.

15. When a paper is based on a research financed by a research grant, then appropriate information should be given.

16. Papers accepted for publication must be submitted as editable files (.doc, .docx, .odt, .rtf).

17. Articles accepted for publication may be edited in terms of both content and style.

18. The journal reserves the right to make abridgments and adjustments in order to bring an article into line with its editorial standards.

19. All materials published in „Ekonomista” are subject to copyright protection. Reprinting is possible only with the consent of the Editorial Board.

20. The Editorial Board do not pay royalties and do not provide explanations regarding unpublished texts.

21. The journal works closely with authors throughout the process of editing the article.

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